From May 28th; Family hike at Rentschler Park. Spotted a fawn in the Native American mounds hidden in the forest... and then we stumbled into an old graveyard. Folks buried there around 1830's. Many born about 1800.
This focuses on Beauty in Weird Fiction, with interviews. S E Lindberg is the creator of Dyscrasia Fiction, a Managing Editor at Black Gate, once an intern for Tales from the Mag.’s Skull & moderator of the Goodreads Sword and Sorcery Group
Saturday, June 24, 2023
Monday, July 26, 2021
Belgian Coke Oven and Vinton Furnace 2021 - Ohio Ruins
While our kids were young, my wife and I toured many of the Native American ("aka Indian") mounds across Ohio (Serpent Mound, Mound City, Seip Mound...many more) we stumbled upon ruins of the past industry (~Civil War era) such as the Hope Furnace. This led to the desire to seek out other lost edifices and has inspired some of my writing (ie Clan Tonn in the Dyscrasia Fiction universe). For more on the history of iron furnaces in OH, I recommend:
So I learned about this gem of a site called Vinton Furnance, which is accessible but off the beaten track. There are two key features at this location: one, the Belgian Coke Furnaces used to turn coal into coke fuel used for the blast furnace, and two, the huge Vinton blast furnace used to extract iron from ore.
Vinton Furnace operated from 1854 to 1883. In 1875 the charcoal-fired Vinton Furnace was converted to use coke for fuel. The unique feature of the Vinton Furnace is the set of 24 Belgian coke ovens. The battery of ovens was used to process coal into the coke, which was then was used to fire the furnaces. Due to the local coal's high-sulfur content, efforts to produce coke capable of firing the iron furnace failed. Coal had to be brought in by railroad to produce satisfactory coke. (from
1) Belgian Coke Furnace (used to turn coal in coke fuel needed for the blast furnace)
(from ) The following is a copy of a newspaper report dated 11/25/1875 which Lawrence McWhorter, Hamden, OH, found in the Democratic Inquirer archives. He recognized its historical importance in the Iron Industry of The Hanging Rock Iron Region.....The article was written at the opening of the coke plant and at the time the new process was thought to be successful. Unfortunately, the local coal proved to be too high in sulphur content and couldn't be used....The article originally appeared in the Cincinnati Gazette and was written by a technical writer.
"The coal is ordinary hill coal of this region, and found from eighteen to twenty feet below the limestone ore. This is taken first to the crusher, where it is broken up into small pieces of a size to permit them passing through a screen of about five-eights mesh. It is then elevated and passed through the screen, from which it passes to the ‘Separator.’ This is simply a sieve working up and down in water, and by this process the whole of the slate and sulfur in the coal (being of greater specific gravity than the coal) sinks to the bottom of the sieve, and passes out there, while the clean coal flows out over the top and is carried to bins where it is left to drain off its water and dry sufficiently to go into the ovens. From these bins it is taken in iron cars right out upon the top of the ovens and drops into them through holes made for that purpose. When coked for thirty-six to forty-eight hours it is pushed from the ovens in a solid mass or plug and extinguished by a stream of water poured upon it and it is then ready for use. These ovens are of the Belgian type, and twenty four in number, standing side by side in a row or battery. On one side is the coke floor, upon which the coke is discharged when coked sufficiently. Upon the other side stands a pushing engine, which runs upon a track the whole length of the ovens, and from which when the ovens are opened there issues a huge plunger, which passes entirely through the ovens and shoves the m ass of coke out upon the other side, thus dispensing with the use of men and rakes to empty them, and discharging and filling an oven in about three minutes. The ovens themselves are simply rectangular tubes of fire brick, twenty-two feet long, three feet wide and six feet high, with cast iron doors at each end. Above, below and around each however, runs a system of flues through which are carried the gases evolved in coking, and which are thus utilized in creating greater heat for this purpose."
2) The Vinton Blast Furnace (used to melt iron ore and produce pig iron)
Quote about its history and image below from Olde
Vinton furnace was placed in blast in 1854. Mr. Culbertson of the original company soon retired for in 1859 the firm was Means, Clark and Company. At this time Cyrus Newkirk was manager of the works. The original stack was 11 feet across the boshes, 32 1/2 feet in height and in forty-seven weeks of 1857 made about 3,100 tons of foundry iron from the local ores.
About 1868 or 1869 this firm sank a shaft west of the furnace and about 130 feet in depth to the Quakertown or No. 2 coal with the intention of using it as fuel. In 1872 Thomas B. Bancroft and his partner, Charles I. Rader, leased the property from the Philadelphia owners and undertook the smelting of the local ores with the shaft coal. This fuel, however, was unsuited for this purpose as the bed was very faulty and the coal high in sulphur and ash. The firm was now known as the Vinton Coal and Iron Company as both pig metal and coal were offered to the trade. The old charcoal stack, Vinton furnace, ceased operation in about 1883. Soon after this a coal furnace, 50 by 11 feet, was built on the site....
" For that time the new Vinton furnace, under the name of Vinton Coal and Iron Company, was modern in every respect. It had a steel jacket, was water cooled, had special devices for charging and casting, and had efficient hot blast stoves. This stack was 50 feet in height by 11 feet in diameter at the boshes. The rated capacity was 20 tons of metal per day or 6,000 tons per year."
How to get there
Hocking Hills too!
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Mansfield Reformatory - Silent Hill Ohio
Pain is caused by pleasure! Visit OSR
- Ghost Town: Helltown - Boston Township
- Hospital: The Athens Lunatic Asylum - "The Ridges"
- Amusement Parks: Geauga Lake Amusement Park … or … Chippewa Lake Amusement
- Subway: Cincinnati's abandoned subway (tours limited or postponed due to safety concerns).
- Built in 1886, not long after the fictionalized 1866 Tocula Prison of the Silent Hill world
- It was originally a reformatory, so it’s design included a huge chapel and school.
- It was converted to a prison sometime (less reformation focus), and then eventually shut down in the 1990's
- The architect ensured the inmates could see the outside to have more hope; cells were put in the interior-center facing out.
- Since it was shutdown, many broken windows allow the weather to deteriorate the building--> especially the lead paint which peels off the walls.
- The warden lived in a beautiful central area. The wood was engineered due to fire codes the railings were made in steel, but look like wood.
- The East cell block is the largest fee standing steel cell block; very loud too; this side had more grates to ensure inmates could not fling material at guards. The West cell block was quieter at night.
- The Chapel is fitted with iron bars lockable chambers inside the sanctuary
- "Pain is caused by pleasure" - Godsmack Awake video graffiti (a call out to Moon Baby lyrics)
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Relic Hunted - Guest Post by Ohioan Terry Ervin

What Ifs
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."

To contact Terry or learn more about his writing endeavors, visit his website at and his blog, Up Around the Corner at
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Gonji: Red Blade from the East - Book Review by S.E.

S.E.Lindberg rating: 4 of 5 stars
Gonji’s Deathwind – The Godzilla of Sword & Sorcery?
Some splendid reviews already exist for Gonji: Red Blade from the East, in particular Fletcher Vredenburgh’s January 21st 2014 Post on Blackgate is extremely thorough. This provides another summary, and some more complementary information.
Gongi Is A Unique, Entertaining Mashup: Gongi is a wandering, displaced warrior--a Ronin (master-less samurai) roaming 16th century Europe. This is not historical fiction, however. This is Sword & Sorcery in vein of R.E. Howard’s Conan…but it is a solidly unique take on the genre. Firstly, Gonji is a cross-breed of a Japanese warlord and Viking sword-maiden; rather than the Hyperborean continent of REH, Gonji explores a realistic version of Europe’s geography (Ottoman–Habsburg times). Plenty of creatures and magic infuse compelling fight scenes. I half expected Godzilla to emerge on multiple occasions!
Gonji is a mysterious, intelligent character. Stretching plausibility, he knows many languages (Japanese, Spanish, Italian, German, English, more?) sufficiently to converse with everyone. He is a bit moody too, which is ostensibly related to his mixed heritage (disciplined father, wild mother). His allegiances are difficult to predict, sometimes joining mercenary bands, sometimes rescuing weak townspeople. Generally, the blend of cultures and Gonji’s mysterious motivations are engaging.
By the end of this first installment, we know only that he is seeking the “Deathwind,” and we know he gets closer to this goal when he reached the city of Vedun, but otherwise the core of his quest is unclear. There is parallel conflict with some apparently evil occupiers of Vedun; but their motives are not clear by the end either, at times brutally dominating folk and at times letting them live in peace. I would have enjoyed a bit more clarification; the demarcation between the first and second book may just be due to the publication history.
Series: The initial Zebra books of the 1980’s essential split one long novel into a trilogy (I suspect the split was arbitrary). T.C. Rypel’s 1980 series has been released in a more complete forms (more books, eBooks, audiobooks). The newer releases from Borgo Press seem to have maintained this split. I’ll need to read the second and third books to confirm that, and I plan to do that. Actually, Rypel has a lot more Gonji in mind, and has books 4 and 5 available now. Books 1-3 are the original trilogy:
1) Gonji: Red Blade from the East: The Deathwind Trilogy, Book One
2) Gonji: The Soul Within the Steel
3) Gonji: Deathwind of Vedun: The Deathwind Triology, Book Three
4) Gonji: Fortress of Lost Worlds
5) Gonji: A Hungering of Wolves

Social Media, Cover Art, and Maps: T.C. Rypel is very accessible via Facebook(Gonji Page) and the Goodreads Sword and Sorcery Group. If you check those websites you can (a) communicate with him and (b) just read/learn fascinating tidbits. For instance, from these I learned the artwork of Serbian illustrator Dusan Kostic graces most of the new releases, which seem more appropriate than the 1980’s covers that seem to mirror the James Clavell books (contemporary for 1980’s works, but of different genre). Also, The Kindle editions of the Deathwind Trilogy books do not include artist Joseph Rutt's Maps that appear in the front of the print editions.
Ohio Rocks: Incidentally, T.C. Rypel has Ohio roots, as do many Sword and Sorcery authors; in fact, 20% of the original Swordsmen and Sorcerers' Guild of America (SAGA, 1960-80s) came from my home state OH. The unassuming state of OH has ties to many relevant authors including including: David C. Smith, Andre Norton, Stephen Donaldson, John Jakes, Richard Lee Byers, Roger Zelazny, Dennis L. McKiernan, Steve Goble, and more.
View all my reviews
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Tales from the Dark Tower - Review By S.E.

S. E. Lindberg rating: 5 of 5 stars
Ghostly, macabre adventure; highly recommended for any read reader willing abandon hope and enter an abandoned Dark Tower
“This world in made of stories, to its core. And because the world is made of stories, you must be very cautious which tales you believe, which ones you tell and which ones you listen to. The right story, or the wrong one, can change you forever.” Russell Novotny co-author
Vargo’s History of Splendid, Dark Design:With that quote, a reader should expect a set of well designed, interconnected tales, and the anthology Tales from the Dark Tower delivers. Illustrated and co-authored by Joseph Vargo, this extends to Vargo’s media empire (the illustration portion shared with co-author Christine Filipak who form “Monolithic Graphics” … makers of spooky calendars and The Gothic Tarot, and the music brand “Nox Arcana” discussed below). This book was inspired by James Pipik (another coauthor) who proposed connecting Joseph’s art with a string of stories. Vargo agreed. In all there are eight collaborating authors (six from Ohio) teaming up to deliver thirteen ghost tale/adventures.
Connecting all these tales is the titular Dark Tower looming over the town of Vasaria. Prepare to venture with: ghosts, crusaders, succubi, vampires, gargoyles, and humans (both pitiful and honorable). Each successive story builds on the previous to unveil a rich history of a truly wondrous, dark place. The underlying story-arc is so well designed, the “voice” of the stories seems the same (despite the variety of authors). Some read as classic ghost stories; some as fairy tales; some as high-octane Sword & Sorcery. All are aimed at chipping away at the fantastic mystery of the Tower.
More Dark Tower: You’ll be left satisfied about Lord Brom’s (main character) inclusion into the Dark Tower, and still you will want more! Thankfully, there is an illustrated sequel : Beyond The Dark Tower.
But wait…there is even more! A Dark Tower Soundtrack: Vargo’s music talents fuel Nox Arcana Music, which has decades of experience producing Movie Soundtracks and Concept albums saluting all things weird (Edgar Allen Poe, Lovecraft, Zombies, Haunted Houses, Spooky Carnivals, Bram Stoker's Dracula, etc.). Many horror and fantasy writers listen to his work as they create. One may expect a Dark Tower album, and there is! The music album has 19 tracks, most with names corresponding to the chapter titles.

View all my reviews
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Lloyd Library - A Treasure Trove of Scientific Art
Lloyd Library and Museum - Cincinnati, OH

Temporary Exhibit Back from the Brink
Description from the LLM: "This year marks the 100th anniversary of the death of the last known passenger pigeon, Martha (shown at right), who died at the Cincinnati Zoo, despite attempts to find her a mate and save the species, which once numbered in the millions...Over the course of human history, we have, unfortunately, caused the end of numerous species...This exhibition features species that have made a comeback, showing those moments when our species has recognized our own folly and done something to make a difference." History of four footed beasts and serpents: 1658 (link to public domain) was one featured book (behind glass of course), turned to the Bison image (image above). The link to the public domain site shows the hidden pages that include mythological beasts. So the image of the Bison was indeed cool....but to be able to browse through the printed version at the other entries would be remarkable (and possible it seems, especially if one has an academic reason to request access).
Permanent Exhibit: The George Rieveschl, Jr. History of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
The George Rieveschl, Jr. History of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Exhibit features a patented Lloyd Cold Still (at right) built in Cincinnati and used at the University of Michigan and at AYSL Corp; a key device use to invent and manufacture Benadryl. The Cold Still was a neat, patented invention by the Lloyd brothers that heated the surface of an extract to remove solvent, as opposed to heating the bottom; the benefit was that fragile chemicals were not degraded during the separation process. The exhibit features the actual cold still...and Rieveschl's lab notebooks (see photo)!Permanent Exhibit: Lloyd Brothers
Online Exhibit: The Magic and Myth of Alchemy
This is a very comprehensive website that blends historic drawings of real scientists with the subjective, trippy alchemists. LLM description: "This is a permanent online exhibit: "The Magic and Myth of Alchemy" exhibit was created in honor of the International Year of Chemistry, an event celebrated by chemists and chemistry associations throughout 2011. In truth, however, there has been a wish to present the alchemical holdings of the Lloyd Library and Museum to the general public for some time. While we do not hold the most ancient treatises from Asia or the Middle East, the Lloyd holds a wealth of materials from the Early Modern and later periods, along with translations and later editions of some of the earlier volumes. A quick search in the Lloyd's online catalog yields no less than some 140 titles pertaining to that topic in some fashion, dating from 1544 to 2010. The collection includes the works of Paracelsus, Maier, Glauber, Hermes Trismegistus, and that alchemist made even more famous through a mention in the Harry Potter ™ series, Nicholas Flamel."
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Ancient Ohio Trail - Real and Virtual Visits of Earthworks
Seip mound Ohio - For scale, see children |
Explore Ancient Ohio
Ancient, Native American Indian architecture, made of earth, saturates the Ohio Valley. Much of it was obliterated by settlers (admittedly, many of the earth mounds were covered in trees and were overlooked; others were removed without respect unfortunately). That said, much remains. My family visits these sites ~annually; I and wanted to share some of the resources we use to plan day trips for: hiking, exploration, appreciation of past cultures, and places like:- The stone henge-like Sunwatch Village near Dayton.
- The Great Serpent Mound
- Mound City near Chillicothe
- Fort Ancient.... and many more...
Ancient Ohio Trail - Online Travel Guide (click!)
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Interactive Tour Guides Link |
Planning a trip was once complex, but now online mapping and conservation efforts have provided interactive tools. The Ancient Ohio trail tool works great. Follow the link and select a city or road you want to travel and it will mark out the earthworks and museums. Not sure which ones to go to? Then check out the below virtual tours enabled in part by the CERHAS (The Center for the Electronic Reconstruction of Historical and Archaeological Sites (CERHAS), part of the University of Cincinnati's Design and Archictecture program. These are beautiful, realistic tours that have been integrated into the museums. Check portions of them from their channel:
Youtube Channel Ancient Ohio Trail (click!)
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Ohio Renaissance Fair 2012
Their Entertainment Schedule was buried on their site (linked here) and is useful to plan a visit; the schedule is available at the front gate but it is nice to plan your route first. We were particularly interested the crafts and enjoyed watching one blacksmith and glassblower (images below). Great place to have your fortune read, purchase armor, or buy a nice leather artifacts (leather bound tomes, capes,etc.).
Friday, July 1, 2011
Unassuming Ohio Has Legitimate Sword and Sorcery Roots

So what was the scope of the books? Carter nicely defines Sword and Sorcery in his introduction:
We call a story Sword & Sorcery when it is an action tale, derived from the traditions of the pulp magazine adventure story, set in a land or age or world of the author’s invention—a milieu in which magic actually works and the gods are real—and a story, moreover, which pits a stalwart warrior in direct conflict with the forces of supernatural evil (Lin Carter, Flashing Swords I, 1973)Sword and Sorcery was coined by Fritz Leiber (Chicago, IL)….though the genre was started by Robert Howard (Cross Plains, TX)…and Frank Frazetta hails from PA. Could OH actually have any roots? Turns out, 3 of the 15 SAGA members were from Ohio! Many awarded, contemporary authors have taken the genre further; a partial listing is shared below:

Ohio Roots:
SAGA member
Andre Norton (1912-2005) | Cleveland,OH | Witch World series | x |
John Jakes (1932-) | Columbus, OH | Brak the Barbarian (since known for his historical family sagas) | x |
Ellen Kushner(-) | Cleveland, OH | Riverside series, Thomas the Rhymer (Public Radio’s Sound and Spirit) | |
David Smith (1952-) | Youngstown,OH | Oron the Barbarian series and Red Sonja series (with Richard L. Tierney) | |
Stephen Donaldson (1947-) | Cleveland,OH Wooster, OH | Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever | |
Dennis McKiernan (1932-) | Westerville, OH | The Realms of Mithgar (Iron Tower Trilogy) | |
Stephen Leigh Farrell (1951-) | Cincinnati, OH | The Nessantico Cycle and The Cloudmages Trilogy | |
Richard Lee Byers (1950-) | Columbus OH (born) | Forgotten Realms; Haunted Lands trilogy | |
David Weber (1952-) | Cleveland OH | Oath of Swords, The War God's Own | |
Roger Zelazny (1937-1995) | Euclid, OH | Dilvish the Damned and Chronicles of Amber | x |
Steve Goble | Mansfield, OH | Short stories of Calthus and Faceless Sons | |
T.C.Rypel | Cleveland, OH | Gonji Series |

Nox Arcana has published over a dozen albums with themes rooted in supernatural literature (Lovecraft’s Necronomicon, Poe’s Raven, etc.). Each would serve as a robust soundtrack to a movie or game. Check them out: Nox Arcana Music
Nox Arcana paired with gothic author and singer Michelle Belanger (fellow Ohian) to produce Blood and Angels.
Ohio, Metal Miniatures

Ironwind metals essentially grew from Ral Partha (1975-2001) based out of Cincinnati. Their current big brand is based on the sci-fi board game Battletech. Once upon a time Ral Partha was a major competitor to the miniatures from Games Workshop’s Warhammer—as Ral Partha had garnered the rights to produce AD&D miniatures (1987, see the complex history of Ironwind metals).
Ohio Fantasy Illustrators